Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Wall street the movie essays

Wall street the movie essays 1) Gordon Gekko is played by Michael Douglas. In the film, he is an egotistical, power hungry, greedy, millionaire. Gordon will do anything for money, no matter what the cost to himself . He used all of the people are him to his advantage and then disposed of them when he was done. This can be seen as both a strength and a weakness. He was a very ambitious character that would not give up until the bitter end. Once this ambitious gets out of control though, it can also bring you down lead to your demise. The only thing he valued was his money and he had no moral values. The only thing that he sum what respected was partnership, but he even broke his promises to his own partners in the case of Bud and Blue Star Airlines. As for his social values, he remains a respectable upper class businessman, who acts as if he doesnt have a flaw on him. In his personal life he has everything he could possibly want, but all he sees his possessions as are points on the score board of life. I admire the man for his ambition and a business man becomes the job he is in is a kill or be killed business. However, there are more legal ways he could have done his killing instead of taking all of the short cuts in life. Bud Fox is a broker for brokerage firm on Wall Street. As an entry level worker, his job is to call projective clients offering second-hand advice to buying and selling stocks. As soon as he meets Gordon Gekko, he places the man on a pedestal. Gordon is the kind of man that he wants to be; successful millionaire that is on the opposite side of the sale pitch. Fox is very alike Gekko in that they two are incredibly ambitious. Every day for 39 days, he calls Gekko's office for an appointment and finally gets one. As soon as the two meet, Fox slowly starts to lose the hard working morals that he had set forth in his mind and becomes more like Gekko. He was so set on obtaining Gekko ...

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